Tuesday, August 30, 2011

~My favorites in life

 I would like to start this off like an Oprah 'MY FAVORITE THINGS' episode or something of the like~
You see every year Oprah airs an episode of ridiculous likes and then gives it away to her audience! The only difference...ya ain't gettin sh*t from me... Not because I don't like you...not because we live miles apart and shipping is ridiculous and certainly not because you're not gangter enough... Its all because I am broke and have no money to share these wonderful bits with you! Remember you are reading a SAHM blog which should indicate to you that I have no job...which means no income!!!
I would secondly like to share this wonderful clip from the ever so clever Dane Cook to show you just how ridiculous Oprah is on her Favorite Things episode... Then I will move on to my favorite things...mmmmmk!
*Warning contains the F-word and a few other naughty words!!
My Favorite things:

1. First and foremost: V-Neck white t-shirts!! Men's small washed in HOT water to shrink because my sh*t is little!! You ever look in your closet and ask yourself this question: WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO WEAR TODAY?? You do?? Well you are in luck for a less than $10 you too can be the proud owner of 5 V-neck t-shirts! Fashion crisis OVER....Your welcome!!

2. Adidas tennis shoes!! Yes!!! These are by far the most gangster of all gangster attire that I own!!! What better way to start off your adventure then in a pair of OSM Adidas! When I put on a pair I saying 'WORLD LOOK AT ME.... I am not just a mom but a COOL mom!' Well sort of...  

3. Chocolate Milk!! Yes I know its not really a thing but its AHHHMAZING!! When you are bored and have nothing else to do with your time why NOT make a nice tall glass of chocolate milk?? I mean think about it... its better to have a chocolate milk addiction than to have crack addiction or a shopping addiction!! I would rather shoot chocolate milk...just keepin it real!

4. Now this one is not really a thing but a person and she just happens to be one of the nicest persons I know!! Now understand that I cannot give her away like say Oprah would but I can share her with you!! Well I can share a little as I failed that part of kindergarten! I am still learning how to share! Her name is..... Really???? Did you honestly think I was going to divulge her name and all her precious info?? What kind of friend would I be to put that on a public blog!!!??? COME ON PEOPLE :P

5.CHEESEBURGERS!! Anyone who knows me knows that I have severe love for CHEESEBURGERS!! What can I say? When I am having a down and out day and my children are misbehaving I crave a CHEESEBURGER!! YUP my GO-TO COMFORT FOOD!!! You must understand something... I cannot eat a homemade one that someone has bbqed on the grill!! That will not suffice!! I must have one from any local fast food chain and I don't care where it is!! Gross you say oh but I say YUMMMMMM!

6. Gucci RUSH perfume!!!! Sounds all high-end and junk but trust me ITS NOT!! Yes it has the Gucci name fashioned to it little square bottle but rest assure it is not as cool but just as expensive as say Beyonces crap she stores and sells!!! $75 can get you 6 months to a years worth(if you only spray once and keep out of reach of little 2 year old girls)of OSM smelling power!

7.Fabreeze!! I spoke of Fabreeze in my earlier blogs and the way cool power it has to make your house smell clean when its not!!! I don't need to explain any further because well the smell explains itself!!

8. Ani Defranco!!! I love her music!! But you ask WHO IS ANI?? ANI DEWHO!!?? Ani Defranco!!! Her music is very ummmm..... well just plain cool!!! I don't get to listen to her much as my husband can't stand her! So out of respect I do not listen to her in his presence but when he is not around and the children permit I PUT HER ON AND DANCE LIKE NO ONE IS WATCHING! I sing when I know I can't sing but do not care because she deserves to be sung aloud!

9. Drop Dead Fred!!! AGAIN WHO YOU ASK??? Well its a movie from I am sure the 80's! I wish I had a Fred when I was younger maybe my childhood when have been a little more fun! But alas I did not and had to live vicariously through this movie!

And lastly NUMBER 10: Of course I will be ending this with yet another food like!!! I just simply love food!!!
I Heart BACON!!! I can eat alone, on a cheeseburger, over salad, on a donut or just by itself!! The love I feel for this amazing food is HUGE!! If we could be friends we would and I would invite my said friend over for breakfast lunch and dinner!! Sadly if I did this I would surely die of a heart attack in a matter of years maybe even days... So I steer clear and have it for special occasions such as the occasional breakfast... maybe birthdays...anniversary's...etc...

Well there you have it folks, some of my likes. Now this list is not complete as my likes are HUGE! Also you must remember as I stated in the very beginning I am not Oprah and will not be giving any of these Likes out to you but rather just share them in hopes to give you a little glimpse of who I am!
Again*posting without reading as my OCD will kick in and I will have to retype the 'Hole in Tire' post*

1 comment:

  1. SOMEONE ELSE IN THIS WORLD LOVES DROP DEAD FRED???? I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!! Every once in a while, I'll mutter "cobwebs" to myself and giggle like a five year old!
