Tuesday, September 27, 2011

With a CUTENESS!!!!

You see this is why I love farm animals... well baby farm animals because GOSH they are so darn cute. One day I will own a farm and house it with adorable baby chickens!!
Isn't this the most adorable video you have ever seen??????
And what about this little clip:
Waldo gets a degree in sleeping...AHHHHHHSLEEP
Now moving on to this clip....
I believe this is the best way to fall asleep and sooooo darn cute...
alright enough cuteness for today....hope you enjoyed.
Have a nice day:)


  1. Aww! Two of my favorite things!! Sleep and babies!!

    I love how the older sibling is pretty much oblivious to what the baby is doing. LOL

  2. I love these cute videos... The chicken one is HILARIOUS... don't care much for the background music... still funny though
