Tuesday, September 27, 2011

With a CUTENESS!!!!

You see this is why I love farm animals... well baby farm animals because GOSH they are so darn cute. One day I will own a farm and house it with adorable baby chickens!!
Isn't this the most adorable video you have ever seen??????
And what about this little clip:
Waldo gets a degree in sleeping...AHHHHHHSLEEP
Now moving on to this clip....
I believe this is the best way to fall asleep and sooooo darn cute...
alright enough cuteness for today....hope you enjoyed.
Have a nice day:)

Friday, September 16, 2011


I am having entirely way too much fun blogging family videos.... This next little bit is short but very FUN!
The kids love the fact that they can now start watching home videos of themselves.. I wish I would have done this a long time ago.... Camille & Chase<3

Praise the LORD!!!

My first YouTube video... its kinda funny and pretty CUTE!!
Hope you ENJOY! Can't wait to do more :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

My very talented first born

When I had my first son, Chase... We decided that he was the most beautiful thing in the entire world and needed to show him off... So we got him a talent agent and he was able to snag this very important role... I hope you enjoyed :) 8 hours with a 9 month old and I knew that I never wanted to do another commercial again! It was a fun experience but meh not interested anymore... Too much work!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The best 4 minutes of your life... YOUR WELCOME!

Good morning my readers... all 8 of you ;) I come to you from my living room via my old lady rocker to spit some sh*t to you!!! Short & Sweet!! So sit back and enjoy this gem of an entry....

Now that you have enhanced your life with this 4 minutes of OSM listening pleasure you can go about your day as regularly scheduled!!
Have a fantastic day!!
Miss Tina